Acer Aspire M3201 Phenom Quad X4 2.2 GHz 320GB 2GB 9500GS 512MB Desktop - £279.63 @ Tesco Direct - H Lets see.... CPU: £90 as its OEM Ram: 2gb= ~ £20 Hard drive: ~ £35 Motherboard: probably around £30 Gfx card: ~ £30 PSU: ~£30 Case: ~£20 O/S(Vista): ~£60 Total: £310 In short, yes its good. Although i wouldnt say this is a good gaming desktop, GPU sucks .
"Warning! Your chassis has been opened" error message - Tech Support Forum I recieve a chassis intrusion message on power up.I need to know how to reset it in my BIOS. My PC is an Acer Aspire M3201 . I cant find anything in either Advanced or security ...
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